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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

DIP LAB Assignment (7A,7B)

Digital Image Processing

Q1. Write a program (in MATLAB) to read an image and display its property.

Q2. Write a program (in MATLAB) to display an image.

Q3. Write a program (in MATLAB) to write an image variable as to secondary storage.

Q. Write a program to add and subtract two images.

Q4. Write a program (in MATLAB) to enlarge an image to its double size.

Q5. Write a program (in MATLAB) to rotate an image in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

Q6. Write a program (in MATLAB) to convert and rgb image to gray scale image.

Q7. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement the Basic Gray Level Transformation.
  • Image Negative
  • Log Transformation
  • Power Law Transformation
  • Piecewise Linear Transformation ( Contrast Stretching )

Q8. Write a program (in MATLAB) to generate Histogram for an Image and plot histogram in various ways (imhist, bar, stem, plot).

Q9. Write a program (in MATLAB) to perform Histogram Equalization.

Q10. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implementArithmetic and Logical operation:
  • Image Subtraction
  • Image Averaging

Q11. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Smoothing Spatial Filters:
  • Linear filter (Standard Average/BOX, Weighted Average)
  • Ordered Statistic (Median)

Q12. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implementSharpening Spatial Filters:
  • Laplacian

Q13. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implementSmoothing (Lowpass) Frequency Domain Filters.

Q14. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implementSharpening (Highpass) Frequency Domain Filters.

Q15. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Homomorphic filter.

Q16. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement differentNoise model:
  • Uniform noise
  • Gaussian noise
  • Salt & Pepper noise
  • Rayleigh noise
  • Exponential noise
  • Rrlang noise

Q17. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implementRestoration in the presence of noise only - Spatial Filtering:
  • Arithmetic mean filter
  • Geometric mean filter
  • Harmonic mean filter
  • Median filter
  • Max filter
  • Min filter

Q18. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Color conversion for RGB model to HIS model.

Q19. Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Color conversion for HIS model to RGB model.

Q20. Write a program (in MATLAB) to perform smoothing and sharpening on Color image.