1. Prepare DIP file by next scheduled lab
2. Every program must contain 4 sections: Objective, Theory, Code, Output.
3. Include these three line of code at starting of every program:
>>Clear all
>>Close all
4. Add your detail in output section by using title function
EX: figure, imshow(variable_name), title('Output_title,Student_name, Rollno');
5. Convert every image (rgb) to grayscale using rg2gray function before any transformation.
List of program:
1. WAP to read an image file and display its properties.
2. WAP to show multiple image in single figure window using subplot function.
3. WAP to read an image and subtract 100 gray-level form it and save data using imwrite funciton.
4. WAP to
enlarge an image to its double size.
5. WAP to
rotate an image in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.