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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

CSE 7th DIP program list and instruction

1. Prepare DIP lab file as per below instructions, student(s) without lab file are no allowed for practical viva.
2. Every program must contain 4 sections: Objective, Theory, Code, Output.
3. Include these three lines of code at starting of every program/code:
>>Clear all
>>Close all

4. Add your details in program output by using title function
EX: figure, imshow(variable_name), title('Program_title - Student_name - Rollno');

5. Convert every image (rgb) to grayscale using rg2gray function before any operation.
6. Refer Digital Image Processing using MATLAB by Gonzalez & Woods.

List of program:

1.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to read an image file and display its properties.

2.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to show multiple image or output in single figure window using subplot function with title.

3.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to read an image and subtract 100 gray-level intensity form it and save enhanced image data using imwrite funciton to current folder of matlab.

4.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to enlarge an image to its double size and shrink an image to its half size.

5.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to rotate an image in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

6.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to convert and rgb image to gray scale image.

7.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement the Basic Gray Level Transformation.
·         Image Negative
·         Log Transformation
·         Power Law Transformation
·         Piecewise Linear Transformation ( Contrast Stretching )

8.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to generate Histogram for an Image and plot histogram in various ways (imhist, bar, stem, plot).

9.       Write a program (in MATLAB) to perform Histogram Equalization.

10.   Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Arithmetic and Logical operation:
·         Arithmetic operation: Image Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (use imadd, imsubtract, immultiply, imdivide functions)
·         Logical operation: AND, XOR, OR and NOT (use bitand, bitor, bitxor, bitcmp functions)

11.   Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Smoothing Spatial Filters:
·         Linear filter (Standard Average/BOX, Weighted Average)
·         Ordered Statistic (Median)

12.   Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Sharpening Spatial Filters:
·         Laplacian filter

13.   Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Homomorphic filter. 

14.   Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement different Noise model:
·         Uniform noise
·         Gaussian noise
·         Salt & Pepper noise
·         Rayleigh noise
·         Exponential noise
·         Rrlang noise

15.   Write a program (in MATLAB) to implement Restoration in the presence of noise only - Spatial Filtering:
·         Arithmetic mean filter
·         Geometric mean filter
·         Harmonic mean filter
·         Median filter
·         Max filter
·         Min filter