Section A(2*3
Q1. What do you mean
by WWW Explain?
Q.2 What are the difference between developing a
site for a corporate world and developing a site for individual?
Q3.Who are the people
that you need to develop your websites?
Section -B (5*2 Marks)
Q4. Explain the
protocols governing the Web?
Q5. What do you mean
by Web Project and What are different techniques to write a Web Project?
What is a Web Team. What are the types of Web Team & How can we access a
Web Team?
Section -C(7*2
Q7. What are the cascading style sheets and how are they coded? Explain
them with an Example?
Q8.Write the coding for Registration form for students. which will
include student name,roll num,age ,date of birth,contact num,email
id,state,country,father name ,mother name by using textbox,buttons,checkbox,dropdown
box,passwords fields.
Q9.Write the coding for frame which will divide the page in two
different parts and each frame contains its own content.
Section A(2*3
Q1. Make a difference table for Static web page,
Dynamic web page and Active web pages.
Q.2 Differentiate between website for individual
and corporate.
Q3. Discuss security threat to a web application.
Section -B (5*2 Marks)
Q4. Explain the working
of email sending and receving by SMTP and POP3 protocols by use of an example.
Q5. Expalin Web
Server and differentiate between traditional and web project.
What is a Web Team and how to assest web team on skill set. Explain skill set
needed for web team.
(7*2 Marks)
Q7. What is CSS? Discuss different types of selector and explain them
with an example?
Q8. Write the code for Student Registration form. Include student name,
roll num, age, date of birth, contact number, email id, state, country, father’s
name, mother’s name by using html form elements.
Q9. Discuss how frames play a big role in advertising on web. Write the
coding for frame as follow diagram.